Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs), Renewable Energy Guarantees Origin (REGOs) & Green Gas Certificates (GGCs)

Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs)

ROCs are a key part of the Renewables Obligation scheme and are useful to suppliers who are incentivised to support the growth of renewable generation.

The number of ROCs received for each MWh of electricity you produce depends on the technology (wind, solar PV, anaerobic digestion etc.) of your generation asset and when it was built. This is called ROC banding and helps promote newer technologies which receive more support with multiple ROCs per MWh.

  • New Stream Renewables structure PPAs with ROCs embedded into term of the contract.


  • We act as a trusted intermediary in the ROC market bringing together buyers and sellers under a variety of transaction structures for both Northern Irish and Mainland certificates.

Renewable Energy Guarantees Origin (REGOs)

Ofgem issue one REGO certificate per megawatt hour (MWh) of eligible renewable output to generators of renewable electricity.

As the REGO market develops, additional value is being derived from these certificates.

For those generators that have REGOs that are not transferred under the terms of a PPA, New Stream Renewables have an active book of buyers.

Green Gas Certificates (GGCs)

With the increased deployment of gas to grid Anaerobic Digestion plants, the market for certificated Biomethane / Green Gas Certificates is rapidly developing and the market is now established with active trading of historical and future certificates.

New Stream Renewables are able to offer an established route to market for Green Gas Certificates and we are constantly striving to develop new markets

If required, we can also offering a clearing service via our client Escrow account for all certificates

For more information about ROC, REGO and GGC routes to market please contact Charles Ward.

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